Friday, January 23, 2009

The First 100 Hours

We're not quite at the 100 hour mark just yet. [We have to wait until Saturday at 2:05pm -- or Sunday at 11am, if you're counting from the re-oath.] Still, we can look at the accomplishments of the week. What do we have so far?

Ethics reform in the executive branch
---Strict lobbying restrictions for outgoing staff
---Strong requirements for incoming staff

Symbolic pay freezes for the highest-paid White House staff

Greater openness in the release of executive branch documents
---Current president can overrule former president's refusal
---Refusal of documents must stem from a legitimate security concern

A mostly symbolic ban on torture, though with practical implications

The probable closure of Guatanamo Bay prison camp within a year

Appointment of Former Sen. George Mitchell as envoy to the Middle East, especially the Israel/Palestinian conflict, and Richard Holbrooke as envoy to Pakistan, Afghanistan, and (hopefully) India

The initial opening by the FDA of further stem cell research

The elimination of the ban on using foreign aid for funding family planning organizations (read: condoms and abortions)

A missile attack on supposed Al-Qaeda targets in the Waziristan region of Pakistan