Sunday, October 19, 2008

Liberal Laundry List

This is adapted from recent writings by others about what a Democratic majority could bring:

Universal healthcare (perhapsmoving toward single-payer)
Re-regulation of finance, industry, and communications
More power for unions ("card check"; repeal of Taft-Hartley)
Tax increases for top 2% earners
Elimination of payroll tax cap

Doubling of capital gain tax
Regulation of the environment though carbon taxes or cap-and-trade
Increased fuel and clean energy standards
Same-day voter registration
DC representative in Congress

Elimination of No Child Left Behind (or, at least, its flaws)
Loosening of consumer bankruptcy / credit laws
Closing of Guantanamo
Due process for detainees
Net Neutrality

(and, of course)

An End to the War in Iraq