Friday, May 13, 2005

Contradictions and Cognitive Dissonance

How can people in the Rocky Mountains eat healthy, promote the wilderness and the natural environment, and then drive SUVs? I cannot comprehend this. The citizens of Boulder, CO when not cursing at tourists mentioning the Ramseys or complaining about college students, try to prevent their children from being vaccinated with impure chemicals. Meanwhile, they drive their Hummers and Excursions and make the very space they live impure. It makes no sense. But I feel they are a microcosm of America. Most people enjoy nature and parks, but they think nothing of what they are doing to destroy that. The United States is one of the largest four countries in the world, full of nearly every landscape, but year after year we destroy what we have. Whether it's mercury in our fish, acid rain, overwhelming smog (and its effects, such as poisoned children, asthma, and perhaps even autism), the problems abound. But we are more interested in building new highways than making the infastructure more environmentally sound. Spawl--with its lack of consideration for the future--is American way.

If Arianna Can Do It...

This blog has been offline for some time. A matter of now having enough time to matter.

But do any of these blogs really matter? Quantity over quality does not work for me. That's what most blogs are. People don't consider what they say. I will do this differently. Right now, I have no readers. My hope is that years later, people will look at this post and exclaim how the readership has exploded. I doubt it.

I WILL give opinions, but I will they will be carefully considered. I won't talk too much about myself; my blog will be my persona, not me. It's easy to type this and that. I will not do that.

What's fair game? EVERYTHING.

But I will try to limit links.

I'll try not to have funky fonts and annoying pictures. But occasionally I may break these rules; how can you have fun without breaking...

If Arianna can do it--well, she did have an expert from Drdudge, numerous celebrities, and an 101 parodies--then maybe I can too.